AMAT 2020 Calendar and autism
We have started a new year with the AMAT 2020 Calendar and this time we have collaborated with the APRENEM Association to talk about the autistic spectrum disorder and to escape from the taboos.
Every year the AMAT Calendar focus about a different topic and this 2020 we did it in autistic spectrum disorder. On the pages of each month, we can find a sentence and a picture that helps to break the stereotypes and it informs about autism. It is a neurological disorder that affects the information perception and the processing of it. The disorder becomes evident before the age of three, but it usually diagnosed later, and it persists throughout life.
APRENEM Association works for the inclusion of people with autistic spectrum disorder and they claims for the right of people and defends the appropriate attention to their specificity. APRENEM assess the needs of kids and teenagers with autism, collect experiences and study reports and international scientific documentation. Thus, they can design adapted projects to the real needs of people with autism and their families.
“The inclusion of people with autism is everyone’s responsibility, let’s make it possible.”