New safety measures for lifts ITC 2024

What should you know about the new lift safety measures?


The Official State Gazette (BOE) recently announced the publication of the Supplementary Technical Instruction ITC AEM 1 for Elevators. This new regulation establishes the basis for the commissioning, modification, maintenance, and inspection of elevators in Spain. That is why a series of new lift safety measures have been established that must be implemented.


The national lift fleet requires improvements in safety, as it is estimated that 50% of this fleet is over 25 years old. For this reason, the Spanish State government has approved the new 2024 ITC for elevators project.


Discover what the 7 main measures that have been approved are.


1. Poor leveling

To correct stopping accuracy, it will be necessary to install a frequency inverter.


The deadline for doing so will be 1 year from the mandatory inspection. This period will be reduced to 6 months in the event of an accident due to a lack of levelling.

New elevator safety measures ITC 2024
Image provided by ASZENDE.
2. User protection against door closure

This measure must be implemented whenever possible and does not require replacing the cabin doors. To ensure this measure, a photoelectric curtain must be installed.

The deadline for doing so will be 1 year from the mandatory inspection where it is detected that there is no photoelectric barrier; this period will be reduced to 6 months in the event of an accident.

New elevator safety measures ITC 2024
Image provided by ASZENDE.
3. User protection against uncontrolled movements

A safety device must be incorporated into all elevators at the same time as the traction unit and its control system are replaced.

New elevator safety measures ITC 2024
Image provided by ASZENDE.
4. Two-way communication: Rescuing trapped users

To ensure that all trapped users can call for help, a two-way communication system must be installed; this system must be accessible to people with physical disabilities. The deadline for doing so will be 1 year from the mandatory inspection.

New elevator safety measures ITC 2024
Image provided by ASZENDE.
5. Guide to rail replacement

Elevators will no longer be allowed to have cylindrical, rail or wooden cabin and/or counterweight guides (except those classified as historical heritage).

  • Elevators installed before 06/09/1952.
    Wood and cylindrical guides must be replaced within 3 years. The rest within 6 years.
  • Elevators installed between 06/09/1952 and 01/04/1967.
    Wood and cylindrical guides must be replaced within 3 years. The rest within 8 years.
  • Elevators installed from 01/04/1967.
    Wood and cylindrical guides must be replaced within 10 years.

In all cases, the period will start counting from the next periodic inspection.


6. Load control device

This measure aims to prevent cabin overload, so it must be installed whenever technically feasible and does not require changing the control panel. The deadline for doing so will be 1 year from the mandatory inspection.


In the case of listed elevators where the guides are not replaced, the load must be reduced by 50%.

New elevator safety measures ITC 2024
Image provided by ASZENDE.
7. Counterweight

To ensure safety, the necessary measures will be taken so that the counterweights and their guiding system can be inspected throughout their entire travel.

  • Elevators installed before 06/09/1952.
    Those with wooden and cylindrical guides must be replaced within 3 years. The rest within 6 years.
  • Elevators installed between 06/09/1952 and 01/04/1967.
    Those with wooden and cylindrical guides must be replaced within 3 years. The rest within 8 years.
  • Elevators installed from 01/04/1967.
    Within 10 years.

In all cases, the period will start counting from the next periodic inspection.


As expected, all safety measures already introduced by RD 57/2005 are maintained: pit stop switch, lighting interruption, pulley protection, etc.



At AmatZonia, we aim to provide a comprehensive guide for property owners and community managers who want to take steps towards a more sustainable and legally sound electric charging infrastructure.

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For more information on current legal regulations, you can consult the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Official State Gazette.


At Amat Immobiliaris, we are committed to helping communities move towards a more sustainable and innovative future.


For any questions, or if you want more information, you can contact us at or by calling (+34) 934 803 400.


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