Work in Amat
As a service company, we are aware that the greatest capital we have is people.
At Amat Inmobiliarios we are clear that a service company is made by the people who are part of it. We believe that for our present and for our future it is essential to surround ourselves with a team of excellent professionals, people who share our values and are excited about our challenges.
Do you want to work with us?
Are you interested? Send us your CV
trinitat.ropero@amatimmo.catAmat Experiencies
Natalia Martínez
Rent ManagementMy time in Amat was an experience of professional and personal growth. In a way a part of me will always be there.
Sonia Rodríguez
Rent ManagementI like the fact that it’s a familiar company and its structure. I thank the companionship and the groups implication and, above all else, that they offer continuous education
Eva Mas
Lawyer | Ex-employeeIs a referent for its professionalism, specialization, the careful customer treatment and innovation. My time there was an immense professional experience
Dulce Guil
Ex-employeeNothing has disappointed me. My expectations have become a reality. Amat is what sells, modern and with involvement. There is professional quality in your team. It makes me feel proud
Vicky Aguzado
Ex-employeeMy time was special. I felt very good with the people around. The most positive aspect for my motivation is that I was valued.