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Last week we published the 2020 Market Report made with our data where we explained how we live the rental and sale real estate market, new and second-hand, during a year that was complicated and very different that we had ever lived before. We called the press on a terrace in Barcelona to explain that […]

The first quarter of 2021 has passed without realizing it. Today, in most of the companies including ours they try to offer the best possible service while resolving multiple exceptional situations that the pandemic has brought us; sick leave due to quarantine, complicated tenant situations that need to be resolved, regulations that have been changing. […]

Open kitchens have their followers and their detractors, and this post is dedicated to all those who love them. The advantages they have are a few, such as the fact of gaining space by giving amplitude to the kitchen. As it does not have walls, the room seems larger and this helps a lot in […]

With the New Year, Amat always prepare a calendar for all our clients, suppliers and collaborators. Every year we dedicate it to a specific theme, and for this 2021 we have wanted to support culture, specifically poetry. This year we have chosen 12 poems by different representative Catalan authors that we have placed on the pages […]