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Guifré Homedes presents the 2023 Market Report at our Luxury Boutique in Barcelona. Yesterday, March 13th, our CEO, Guifré Homedes, presented the 11th Market Report of 2023 from Amat Immobiliaris to the press, which encompasses and summarizes our data from last year and how we perceive the real estate market.   Approximately 16 media participated […]

Pilarín Bayés draws an auca, a pictorial story, explaining the 75 Years of Amat…   Last Wednesday, May 3rd, we celebrated the 75th anniversary of Amat Immobiliaris. An event dedicated to honouring, visiting and valuing the company’s past, as well as recognizing the importance of family, women, culture, and society as essential pillars of the […]

Thank you very much to all attendees, friends, colleagues and partners, for sharing and celebrating the 75th Amat Immobiliaris Anniversary with us and being part of our history.   On Wednesday, May 3rd, we celebrated the 75th anniversary of Amat Immobiliaris at the Oriol Martorell Hall, l’Auditori, Barcelona. An act dedicated to honouring, visiting and valuing […]

It seems like for the past 2 years teleworking is the order of the day, and it is a fact that we have all integrated it as a normal thing, but at Amat we were already prepared to be able to telework long before COVID-19 arrived. When the pandemic sent us all home, it was […]

Last Friday we presented our 2019 Market Report in an online conference, and we take the opportunity to also show our COVID Crisis Management Report. We explain the current numbers because the situation has changed from last year and there was no point in talking only about the 2019 numbers, we know that the current […]