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In Amat, we think about the future and that is why we take up position to a more sustainable society. We know that by improving the energy efficiency in buildings, providing renewable energy and installing new green spaces contributes to the fight against climate change. It is clear that we need a change in cities, […]

We have already talked about how to increase energy efficiency at home, now we go one step further and focus on how to adapt our parking to be able to have an electric car and be more ecological in our daily live. The thing that can worry us the most when we buy an electric car […]

In mid-May we published the 2019 Market Report where we explain which were the trends last year. In general lines, the 1st semester had a rate of sales similar to 2018 and a practically flat evolution of prices. In the case of the rental market, we live with constant legislative changes, a total of 6. Because […]

Currently we are spending more days at home than ever, it is good to know if we live in a house with high-energy efficiency or not. If it isn’t the case we must know what we can do to improve it. But, what is the energy efficiency? It is used to assess the efficient use […]